I'm posting these public harness gag shots as an inspiration to you, to get your creative juices flowing. Also to prove to you that Yes, you maybe embarrassed to wear a gag in public.. but you will not get arrested *wicked smile*

This whole photo booth thing started when my Master required that I buy a
ball gag and go to a local photo booth and take pictures of me wearing it to send to him. Photo booth assignments have been near and dear to me ever since *S*

This day, my good friend Rich (thank god he is a very calm easy going fella) Packed me up and drove me to Belmont Park (it's in San Diego) to do this public gag shoot.
Well first of all since my last visit to Belmont Park I found out they have removed the curtains from all the photo booths, EEKS!!
As you can see I was not happy about that.
When I'm in that sort of situation I focus.. and block out everyone and everything so I can accomplish my assignment.

So there you have it... Dovey does public gagging...
Are you inspired yet?
Hey, it's not necessary to do any public gags or bondage, send in photos of
what you like..share them with me.

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